Friday, October 2, 2009

Fast and Falling asleep....

(me, my mama "the birthday princess"...and my sissy) in front of the "50 magical years" sign for my mom's "magical" 50th birthday! ha ha (ps. i told ya i'd wear a bright shirt, huh?!?) ha ha ha

hi everyone!
so i think of you all...all day long..i think of cool pictures to show you guys, so it feels like you got to be a butterfly on my shoulder.....

I am tired. Very tired! So tired I almost fell asleep in Disneyland today!

I have an awesome post with cool pictures...but I have almost fallen asleep twice now.,...and who knows if I'll hit publish, before I even type something good.....
oh yeah....
the geisha video is uploading to youtube, as I type this! yay!

number of times i've fallen asleepw while trying to type this...then my laptop slides to the side and i wake up!!!! 'gotta get in the shower, I got thrown up on, sweated, and other things..ha ha ha

new fab pst coming soon!!!! i love you all.....and ASHLEY!!!!
thank you for coming to Disneyland to meet me...I am so honored! You're a doll....and have a beautiful smile!!!!! I love you, my new, precious girl!!!! huge love....kandee