Hi all you beautiful, precious people!!!
Barbie was just a plastic doll...but she had her "dream" everything...dream house, dream car....dream dreams...you get it!
I want to encourage each of you to listen to the dream inside you...
you are the only one in the whole world with the everything inside you to accomplish those dreams! Whenever you do something you enjoy and know you can be good at it...you're using your gifts! No one else hears the song that plays in your heart like you do...if you ask 2 people to paint the same sky, each one would be unique and different...just like the one-of-a-kind, voice that speaks inside of you....there will never be another you...you have something the world has never seen!
If you feel like you will never accomplish your dreams because:
you're too young or old
you don't have the training
no one else believes in you
you've never told anyone
you're a single mom
you have kids
not out-going enough (I used to be so shy in school!)
a girl or guy (and it's not an area they normally work in)
you don't live where you need to be
you need to make money
you're not seeing the results you want
maybe your heart is frustrated...and you feel like you might as well cry and mourn the death of your dream!
Well I want to tell you.... DARE TO DREAM BIG & BELIEVE...imagine yourself living that life of your dream...do the uncomfortable steps to get something worth every ounce of hard work you devote to it!
I've had sleepless nights because I was working so hard (gosh, I was up til 6 am editing my Queen of Hearts video...ha ha ha)...I didn't leave my house for days at a time due to working on my projects...didn't go hang out with friends...
I've made phone calls that made me so nervous
I've asked people questions (about helping me)...that took me so long to get the courage to ask....it always was worth it 10 times over!!!!
Here's a quick inspiration:
I have a friend who is a camera man (he is also very young-under 25) ...he called one of the biggest agents for everything in Hollywood (Oprah is with them if that tells you anything)...
he called them everyday...4 times a day, for like 2 months....until they finally sent him the script he wanted (to direct)...(this does not happen normally!)...he got the creators consent...and big name actors want to be in it....
He said..."What do I have to lose!?! All they could say is no.....".....BUT eventually they said yes!
If it feels impossible...know that God specializes in making the impossible...HAPPEN!!!
I am a perfect example...who would've thought a single mom with 3 kids...would be able to take care of her kids....and do what she loves...and become a precious part of people's lives...and encourage them from her little house!?!
I love you and all your precious dreams....so much...sometimes your comments put the biggest smile in my heart...and sometimes they touch me so much I leak all kinds of tears... thank you for sharing your love with me!!!
Now go out and DREAM BIGGER THAN you EVER HAVE.....decide that nothing is going to stop you....no circumstance.......God loves when you dream, because He put that dream inside you! And he has a track record of making things that looked impossible, become amazingly possible!
I love you dreamer!!! You are fabulous....wonderful...and full of talent waiting to be set free!